Commentaires faisant autorité

"Cisdem WindowManager kann den Bildschirm auf dem Mac in verschiedene Größen und Positionen aufteilen. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, Fenster an die Kanten oder Ecken Ihres Bildschirms zu ziehen, oder verwenden Sie unser Rastersystem, um den Bereich auszuwählen, den die Fenster abdecken sollen, und Sie können auch Tastenkombinationen festlegen."

"Cisdem WindowManager for Mac is an easy-to-use desktop window manager to move, resize, and arrange windows with ease. After it was installed, you can easily control windows by the following 3 ways: dragging windows to the edges or corners of your screen, then windows will be auto-resized; with innovative grid system to select the area that the windows should cover; or with simple and customizable keyboard shortcuts."

"Cisdem WindowManager is a simple window split app on Mac,it can split the screen into various sizes and positions on Mac. You can split the sreeen by drag the windows to the edges or corners of your screen, or use the build in grid system to select the area that the windows should cover."

"El Administrador de ventanas de Cisdem puede dividir su pantalla en varios tamaños y posiciones. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es arrastrar las ventanas a los bordes o esquinas de la pantalla, o utilizar nuestro sistema de cuadrícula para seleccionar el área que las ventanas deben cubrir, o establecer atajos de teclado."

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Maximizing my screen real estate

As a developer, I'm constantly needing to position windows so I can see documentation and code at the same tinae. Other tinaes I need to watch a video and take notes. This makes it easy to multitask while maximizing my screen real estate, and not waste time futzing around with window positions. Also, windows are positioned perfectly, which is comforting to someone with a little OCD. Great app!

June 25, 2021 | Ray12

Much better than Cinch

I sorely missed the snap feature from Win7 so I'm extremely happy that there are several apps to enable this feature. I bought both Cinch and WindowManager Tool and I have to say that WindowManager takes the victory for this one. Cinch and WindowManager Tool both operate quickly and smoothly, but Cinch seemed to have some slow down from Office applications. WindowManager Tool worked in every aspect. Also, the keyboard shortcuts in WindowManager is extremely useful. WindowManager has better customizibility in my opinion.

April 13, 2021 | Alicia Lee


Works well on my Mac - very clean and handy. just what I wanted. The keyboard shortcuts works good, and I prefer them anyways.

April 12, 2021 | Twiletionly

Much better than the split view in el capitan

I just found the new feature split view in Catalina not workable to support some apps.Your tool is a good alternative.

February 20, 2021 | Miellw3

Just what 1 had been missing!

After switching back to the Mac from Windows 7,1 kept finding myself trying to move a window to the side and have it snap into place. This brings that same functionality to OS X and more! Fantastic little application.

February 03, 2021 | Laura Southerland

Worth every penny

Working with Windows everyday at work I have become very fond of this split screen feature that is built in to Windows, knew that this had to exist for my Mac at home, and this app really comes very handy.

December 17, 2020 | CruzZZZ

the best window manager

So easy to use, my 7yr old boy knows how to work this app. This application has all the features I needed to manage Windows perfectly as I work through my day. Saves time, and productivity with such a small price to pay. Most deffinatly one of the best window manager you can buy, hands down I would recommend to all.

December 06, 2020 | Thomas Fred

This is productive

Bought it just 1 min. go and just the dragging to hot zone is enough to give it 5 starts. I work on a fast paced aviroment and needed something like this to make my life easier. Awesome job.

October 12, 2020 | Randy Myers


The shortcuts are user-friendly to me. like it

August 04, 2020 | gegh0

Split Screen on Mac

Sometimes, when we are writing documents, we have to switch from window to widow, which is rather time-wasting! This tool is exactly a wonderful productivity tool to solve this problem. Thumbs-up!

April 11, 2020 | foewj09


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