Autorisierte Kommentare

"Taking all things into consideration, Cisdem PDFMaster proved itself to be an all-round and dependable PDF utility that offers all the necessary features you need for organizing, editing and converting your PDFs, while keeping things as simple as possible."

"PDFMaster gives you a surprising number of tools, and even if you don’t need them all, you’ll be glad you have them just in case. Considering that Cisdem sells it for just $69.99, I would say it is a powerful alternative to traditional PDF software at a bargain price."

"PDFMaster is a PDF solution that allows you to convert, create, edit and split PDF files. It has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use common functionality. You'll soon be a PDF master."

"PDFMaster is a complete PDF solution that lets you convert, create, edit, merge, split, compress, encrypt and decrypt PDF files. Coming with an intuitive interface, it places commonly-used functionality at your fingertips and you'll be a PDF master in no time."

"Cisdem PDFMaster is a complete PDF solution. It doesn’t just come in handy as a PDF creator for Mac but it also lets you merge, edit, split, encrypt/ decrypt, compress and do a lot of stuff with your PDFs. It will make your job even more interesting since it has an intuitive interface."

"PDFMaster includes several advanced editing features that let users merge, split and compress documents; add comments, annotations and sticky notes; rotate and highlight pages and elements; and extract text and images."

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