It is troublesome to open archives with extensions like RAR, Wim, TAR, etc. on Mac, but Cisdem Unarchiver changes the game. As a superb Mac unarchiver, it can handle almost all archives, including RAR, Zip, 7z, ISO, Udf, Wim, TAR, Cab, CHM, Com, Hfs, Nsis files.
Cisdem Unarchiver lets you preview the files inside archives, such as texts, images, videos or music, to see if these are the files you need before extraction. You can also open the included files directly with default applications.
When extracting files from an archive, Cisdem Unarchiver provides more options. You can extract all files in the archive at once, or you can decompress selected files only. If you download a lot of archive files from the Internet, this will be very convenient.
Running low on disk space? Waiting for long time to upload or transfer files? Files are too large to email or upload? Cisdem Unarchiver creates Zip, 7z, TAR files and leaves the original files intact, so you can reclaim disk space, speed up the upload or transfer and break the upload limit.
Cisdem Unarchiver lists all tasks in a queue which helps you extract and create a large number of archives in an ordered way. Unlike most of its counterparts that are simply "front-ends", Cisdem Unarchiver directly reads and writes archives, the end result is often discernibly faster.
Batch unzip files and folders fastly.
Extract files like z01, part1.rar, 7zip.001 and zip.001
Unpack encrypted archive files with a known password.
Non-ASCII file names displayed correctly.
Add password protection to compressed files.
Double click or right click to quickly control the software.
Unzip archives easily.
Preview contents inside an archive without decompressing.
Extract selected or all files from an archive.
Compress files in 7z, Zip, TAR, etc. and add password protection.