
Read different types of documents

No need to install different file viewers, open and view different types of documents in one application, save your time and money!


PDF is a document file created by Adobe Acrobat or any similar application. PDF file may contain texts, images, charts and drawings.


WPD is a text document created by Corel WordPerfect software which is a popular word processor. It may contain formatted texts, tables, drawn objects, and images.


WPS is a document created with Microsoft Works, which comprises document elements like a Microsoft Word document. It doesn’t have advanced formatting options and macros.


XPS, or XML Paper Specification, was developed by Microsoft for an electronic representation of digital documents that can be easily read, shared, created, and printed.


Page layout file created in the Open XML Paper Specification (OpenXPS) format. OXPS file is similar to a .PDF file which describes the structure and content of a document.


DjVu Image is a compressed image format. It is used to scan high-resolution color pages to be published on the web.


VSD is created by the business diagram application Microsoft Visio. It contains visual objects, flowcharts, organizational charts, process diagrams, and other types of drawings.


VSDX file format was introduced in Visio 2013. The files are used to save flowcharts, organizational charts, process diagrams and other types of drawings.


VDX file is associated with Microsoft Visio and it is a file or a chart created by the program. It is similar to VSD files but in an XML format.


Winmail.dat or win.dat is an attached file with TNEF encoding, it wraps the email contents when you don’t use Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Server to handle emails.

Smooth document reading experience

Come with a rich set of viewing options for opening, rendering and displaying document files.

Full screen

Hide the toolbar and read in full screen.

Thumbnails navigate

View and navigate page by thumbnails.

Two pages

Two pages at a time for quick viewing.

Zoom page

Zoom in, out or to fit for perfect vision.

Turn page

Turn to previous page, next page, first page, last page.

Instant word search

Quickly find any words or phrases in your document.

Add bookmark

Create bookmarks to quickly locate a specific page.

Rotate page

Rotate to correct text directions or image angle.

Simple Drag & Drop

Simply drag documents into the interface to open instantly.

Multiple tab view

Open and switch multiple document files using tabs.

Support multiple export options

More than just reading files, it provides rich export options, including convert, extracts images, and print documents.

Convert to PDF, Text and images

Convert documents to other formats, including PDF, text, image (PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF), you can also partially convert a single page or page range.

Extract images from document

Extract image (PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF) from documents, support partially extracting images from a single page or page range.

Print document files

Need a printed copy? No problem! Print your documents with a connected printer as easily as you print any other files.