Cisdem ContactsMate for Mac FAQs

What are the limitations of the free trial version?

The trial version can create new contacts, edit the contacts, manage the group, and scan the contacts. It is unable to print/share/export the contact, fix the conflicts and email/call/message/video contacts with shortcut ways.

How can I customize fields to be exported?

1. Select the contacts you want to export, right click to select "Export".

2. Select a file format, and then select "Custom Fields" with the Field option, click "Set" button.

3. Select the target field on the pop-up window, and then move it to the right column, continue this step until all the target fields are moved to the right column and then click Save.

Why doesn't the right click menu appear after right clicking on the trackpad?

1. Please try to press on the trackpad with your two fingers, a right click menu will appear.

2. You can also go to the System Preferences> TrackPad> Point & Click to select another way with the Secondary click.

I cannot use the return key for a line feed,why?

Please press Option+Return keys for a line feed.

What are invalid characters?

Some information of this contacts may contain invalid characters or mistakes unrecognized by system, for example email address without "@", ". com" or phone number with letters will be considered as containing invalid characters.

Can ContactsMate for Mac sync with the groups in Mac Contacts?

Yes. 1. After installing ContactsMate for Mac, it would ask for the permission of accessing the Mac Contacts, click OK to confirm it.

2. After you added a Group in Mac Contacts, you can refresh the ContactsMate for Mac. Collapse and expand the All Contacts, the new group will appear in the list.

Can I export a contacts group?

Yes. Right click the group title, then click export on right-click menu.

How to move a batch of contacts to group from On My Mac Contacts?

Press and hold down the Command key, and then click each contact that you want to select. Drag-n-drop the selected contacts to the group.

Can I customize the prefix and suffix?

Yes. Go to the Preferences, select Conflicts, click the set button behind Prefix or Suffix, click edit button, type a comma, then enter the prefix or suffix you want to add.

What are ContactsMate for Mac supported output formats?

Following formats are supported: CSV, Docx, Excel, Numbers, Pages, TXT, vCard and Html.

Are these edited contacts synced with Mac Contacts immediately?

Once you clicked OK to save the edit, the contact will be updated in Mac Contacts.

Does ContactsMate for Mac work with Gmail/iClould/Yahoo! etc.?

Yes, just run the program, click Add account, then you can select to add the account of Gmail/iClould/Yahoo! etc. After that you can manage the contacts of all the added accounts with ContactsMate.

Can I search the email address?

Yes. You can search the name (include prefix and suffix), phone number, email address and note via search box.

Why can't I add account of Facebook and Twitter?

Cisdem ContactsMate uses the inner Internet account module of Apple. For macOS 10.14 and later, Apple company removes Integration with Third-Party Internet Accounts like Facebook and Twitter, so if you are running macOS 10.14 or later, you cannot add account of Facebook or Twitter.

I exported the csv file from ContactsMate, when I import it into Outlook, an error messaage showing I failed to import the file,why?

1. Please just ignore that error message and then refresh your Outlook to see if the contacts are imported into Outlook.

2. If the contacts were failed to be imported into ContactsMate, we suggest you can try another method to add the outlook account in ContactsMate and then directly move the contacts into Outlook account and wait some time for the contacts to be automatically synced to Outlook.

How can I export files from ContactsMate and import into Outlook?

1. You can select vCard format to export the contacts, directly drag the vCard file into Outlook, or right click that vCard file, select Open with Outlook, then all the contacts will be imported into Outlook.

2. You can select CSV (Outlook) to export the contacts, and then upload this CSV file into Outlook.