Cisdem Document Reader for Mac FAQs

What is the limitation of the trial version?

The trial version provides all features but can view only one page of the file.

I have activated the program already, why am I still only able to open one page?

It should be caused by the cache files, you can delete the cache folder reference the user guide here

What file formats does Cisdem Document Reader for Mac support?

Supported Reading Format: PDF, DjVu, VSD, VSDX, VDX, VST, VSS, VTX, VSX, XPS, WPS, WKS, XLR, WDB, WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4, WK5, WQ1, WQ2, WTF, WPD, WP, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, DAT.

Supported Output Format: PDF, RTFD, Text, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF. Note: Only WPS and WPD files can be exported to RTFD format.

How do I open a file?

1. Click File > Open… on the menu bar, select one file or multiple files at a time in the window that appears, then import them to the app. 2. Click File > Open Recent, then choose files you have worked with recently in the sub menu. 3. Click Open File button to import files from local folders. 4. Drag-n-drop files to the window area, command click to choose multiple files or clicking and dragging a box around the files you wish to select, then drag all file to the window. 5. Drag-n-drop files into the app icon in Applications folder. No matter it is closed or running, all files will be opened in the app. 6. Drag-n-drop files into the app icon in the dock. 7. Double click the files to open. If you haven’t installed other tools that associated with these document files, the app will be set to the default application.

How do I make files open in Cisdem Document Reader for Mac by default?

1. Right click the file. 2. Select Get Info in the submenu. 3. Expand Open with and click the button. 4. Choose Cisdem Document Reader for Mac. (If you haven’t found it in the submenu, you can click the “Other…”In the window that appears, click Enable, choose All Applications, check Always Open With, select Cisdem Document Reader for Mac in the window, then click Add.) 5. Click the Change All button. 6. Click Continue to confirm your choice. 7. Close the Get Info window.

How to read multiple files with different formats at the same time?

Add them to Document Reader for Mac simultaneously, and then read them in different tab pages.

How to read the file in 2 pages view?

Find the page buttons on the toolbar, then click the button at the left to choose to view single or two pages.

How to export specific pages?

1. Click Export button. 2. In the window that appears, click Page button, then choose Range. 3. Enter value to the blank.

How to extract images?

1. Click the Extract Images button. 2. Choose format, page range, location and rename the output files in the window that appears.

How to open a password protected file?

1. Import it to Document Reader for Mac. 2. Enter the password to the dialog that appears on the screen.