Cisdem Focus for Mac FAQs

What is the limitation of Focus for Mac‘s trial version?

The trial version allows you to use the full functions in 3 days.

I blocked YouTube in Plan 1, but why I can still access YouTube when the plan is running?

Cisdem Focus supports 6 browsers including Chrome, Safari, Opera, Opera X, Brave and Edge. Therefore, websites will not able to be blocked on other browsers. In this situation, we suggest you to add the unsupported browsers to the App Lock list.

What's the password mode?

If you checked this option, then you will be asked to enter your password when you want to pause/stop the plan, access the preferences or quit the program.

What's the hardcore mode?

If you checked this option, Focus will force block you from accessing the blocked websites/apps/preferences, also you cannot quit the program until the task is complete.