Cisdem PDF Compressor for Mac FAQs

What’s the limitation of the trial version?

The trial version will expire after 14 days, during this 14-day trial period, you can compress up to 3 PDF files with watermark included.

Why can’t Cisdem PDF Compressor for Mac reduce some PDF files?

This happens when there are no images in PDF files. They contain only text.

Why are all images in the PDF blurred?

A very lower resolution has been selected. You can try a larger file size with higher resolution and JPEG Quality.

How to compress a password protected PDF file?

1. Add it to the app. 2. Click the padlock button. 3. Enter password to the password window. 4. The settings button appears. Click it to choose File Size. 5. Click the Compress button to start compressing the PDF file.

Can I customize Preset Filter?

Yes. If you aren’t satisfied with the result, you can customize the settings. 1. Choose any option in Preset Filter. 2. Customize the Resolution and JPEG Quality. 3. Check Apply to all. 4. Click OK to confirm. Note that the customized setting won’t be saved when you run the app again.

How to apply the filter settings to all PDF files?

Check the checkbox of Apply to all, and then click OK to confirm your selection.

Can Cisdem PDF Compressor for Mac compress PDF file to specified file size I want?

No, the file size depends on Resolution and JPEG Quality.

Currently, we only provide four options: Minimal File Size, Small File Size, Medium File Size and Large File Size. You’re also able to customize the settings to get a better result, but the app is not able to allow user to choose a specific file size in advance.

How to select output folder?

Click the Output Folder button, and then choose a folder where you want to save the compressed file.