Cisdem PDF Converter OCR for Windows FAQs

What is the limitation of the trial version?

The trial version will expire after 14 days, during this 14-day trial period, you can convert half number of pages(or up to 3 pages).

How to activate Cisdem PDF Converter OCR for Windows?

Launch Cisdem PDF Converter OCR for Windows, click the key icon, copy-n-paste the key code to the Registration window that appears, and then click Activate button.

Why does the window for downloading OCR Module not pop up after importing a PDF file, what should I do to download OCR Module?

The window will only pop up when you import an image-based PDF file or an image, if it fails to pop up the window, please import an image into the program to see if the window will pop up.

I want to convert a large number of files to the same format, do I need to select the output format one by one?

You can just import one of those file into the program, select the output format, then import the remaining files into the program, the output format will be the target output format by default.

Do I need to edit before converting scanned PDF file?

No, you don’t need to edit the scanned file before converting it.

Why the font in the result is different from the scanned PDF file?

When converting certain scanned files, the app can only recognize the text. You can correct the font in the editable result.

Why should I choose the OCR language?

In order to get the most accurate result, we recommend choosing the OCR language matched with the language in the PDF file.

Why does it come up with a red exclamation point after clicking the Convert button?

1. Please confirm that the PDF file that you've imported into the program is saved on your local drive instead of a Cloud drive.

2. Please confirm that you've selected a correct Output Folder location befor clicking the Convert button.

How long will it take to convert a scanned PDF file?

It depends on file size, file pages, the performance of your PC etc.

Is there a limit on how large a PDF file I can convert?

There’s no limit on file size or file pages the app can convert.