Block Websites Mac with All-new Cisdem AppCrypt 3.5, 20% Off

Rosa Reyes
February 24, 2017 Preview 2699 Preview 0
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Your kids are addicted to computer games? Or wanna protect the private data in some apps? Here comes the all-new Cisdem AppCrypt 3.5 for Mac, a tool to encrypt apps and block websites Mac, with 20% off discount.

“Every time we check a social feed, email, or respond to a notification, our mind requires 23 minutes of re-focus time to get back on task. It’s a phenomenal cost to our entire workforce”, said Bob Smith, the Project Manager of Cisdem AppCrypt, "Distracting websites and applications therefore should be limited in some time. Cisdem AppCrypt is exactly to tool to intelligently block these distractions!”

With an easy-to-use interface, Cisdem AppCrypt 3.5 for Mac can help password-protected applications and block websites Mac to improve focus and productivity. You can also set a time value to automatically lock apps for specified times, and track failed attempts with data and photo.

What's new in version 3.5

1. Block websites Mac

  • Set blacklist and whitelist for preferred applications to be blocked.
  • Support Safari and Chrome.

2. Customize shortcuts

Users can set global shortcut keys to hide/reveal main window and enable/disable website blocker.

Other improvements based on previous versions

1. Block Mac applications on Mac

  • Set encryption schedule to lock Mac apps on specific days and times. For example: After school (3:00-5:00) but not after 10:00 pm.
  • Track failed attempts to use locked applications with date, time and optional captured photos.
  • Quit all protected applications when Mac goes sleep.

2. One Password for all apps and websites

Set a password for all your apps and websites when using the application for the first time.

3. macOS Sierra Support

It's fully compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.11 El Captain and macOS 10.12 Sierra.

Pricing and Availability

The promotion starts on Feb. 24th PST. and ends on Mar.2nd PST. A Single License of Cisdem AppCrypt 3 for Mac is available at $15.99 (Reg. Price $19.99) with Coupon Code "CISDEMAC". To get a free trial version, please click

Rosa Reyes

Rosa has worked in Mac software industry for more than eight years. She believes that the purpose of software is to make life better and work more productively. In addition to writing, Rosa is also an avid runner.

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    Home > Block Websites Mac with All-new Cisdem AppCrypt 3.5, 20% Off