How to Block Porn on Twitter (now X): Steps and Tips

Norah Hayes
March 21, 2024 Preview 1.3K Preview 0
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You can find pretty much all types of content on Twitter, which is now X, including porn content. And people of all age ranges including children can access content on Twitter. This means that a child or teen can be exposed to porn on Twitter accidentally or intentionally.

This article talks about how to block porn on Twitter. Whether you are a parent who wants to protect your child from inappropriate content on Twitter or someone who wants to stop looking at Twitter porn, you may find this article helpful.


Things to know about porn on Twitter

Twitter allows porn but there are restrictions. Twitter allows users to upload porn content as long as the content doesn’t contain certain types of content (like the ones depicting violence or disturbing acts), the user doesn’t share porn in ways that Twitter prohibits (like using a sexually explicit image as the profile picture), and the user puts a warning to the post when posting. Porn does exist on Twitter anyway!

It’s easy to find porn on Twitter. One can effortlessly find porn content by using the search feature, using hashtags, following accounts that share adult content (there are tons of them), etc. Well, Twitter doesn’t show any results for the hashtag “#porn”. But what difference does that make?

Porn on Twitter can be easily accessible to minors. Twitter requires that a person have to be at least 13 years old to create a Twitter account. Twitter also restricts accounts whose owners are under 18 years old from viewing mature content. However, Twitter wouldn’t find out if one lied about the age. A child can easily create an account that allows unrestricted access to any content.

In summary, Twitter has made some efforts to try to prevent inappropriate content from being potentially viewed by people who don’t want to or shouldn’t view such content. However, these efforts are not effective enough, especially when it comes to children and teens.


Method 1. How to block access to porn on Twitter with AppCrypt

Note: This method applies to Mac and Windows PC. And it also applies to the Twitter website on iPhone and Android. The second method can apply to both computers and phones. I recommend using a combination of Method 1 and Method 2.

This method uses a tool called Cisdem AppCrypt - a website blocker and app lock rolled into one. Below are the detailed steps on how to use it as a Twitter porn blocker.

Step 1. Install AppCrypt.

Download and install it on a Mac, Windows, iPhone or Android device.

Free Download macOS 10.12 or later Free Download Windows 11/10/8/7

Download on theApp Store GET IT ONGoogle Play

Step 2. Set a password.

When you open it for the first time, set a password. If you want to prevent yourself from viewing porn on Twitter, please ask someone else (like a family member) to set the password for you.

a dialog asking users to set a password

Step 3. Open the main window of this tool.

On a Mac, click the lock icon in the menu bar and choose Open Main Window.

clicking he lock icon in the menu bar on Mac bringing up the Open Main Window option

On a Windows PC, click the tool’s icon in the taskbar. Alternatively, right-click this icon and choose Open Main Window.

the taskbar on Windows PC showing the AppCrypt icon

Now enter the password to access the main window.

a screen asking for password

Step 4. In the main window, click the Web Block tab.

If you are using a Windows PC, please install the extension on the browser(s) of your choice. Mac users don’t need to install the extension.

Step 5. Under the Web Block tab, do any or all of the following things.

the Web Block tab showing a URL field and an Add button and that several porn related hashtags, search terms and profiles are on the block list

  • In the URL field, enter a hashtag (like /hashtag/sex, /hashtag/adult, or /hashtag/nsfw). Click Add. Add other hashtags that may lead to porn content. Once one clicks any hashtag that is added to the block list, the current page will be blocked immediately. Hashtags that are not on the block list are not affected.
  • In the URL field, enter a search term like “porn”. Click Add. Add other search terms that may return porn content. When one types “porn” in the search box and presses the Enter key, the current page will be blocked immediately. Additionally, all Twitter profiles with the word “porn” in the name will be blocked.
  • In the URL field, enter the profile URL of a Twitter account that you want to block. Click Add. Add other accounts that share adult content. Note that blocking an account only prevents one from visiting the profile. It doesn’t prevent posts from this account from appearing in one’s timeline if one has followed this particular account.

Note that the blocking only applies to the Twitter website. If the Twitter app is installed on this Mac or Windows computer, it’s recommended that you go to the App Lock tab in AppCrypt to lock the Twitter app.

There are several ways to permanently or temporarily unblock a hashtag, search term or profile, such as removing the item from the block list or quitting AppCrypt. But any of the ways requires the password.

a message saying that access is blocked

There are some extra steps to take if you want to make the blocking more effective.

  • This tool supports Chrome, Safari (on Mac only), Edge, Firefox (on Windows only), Opera and Brave on Mac and Windows. It even supports more browsers, like Samsung Internet and Opera Mini, on Android. You can use the app locking feature of this tool to lock any unsupported browser.
  • Go to Preferences. Select the Launch at system startup checkbox.the Preferences window
  • You can even block the entire permanently or at certain times.


Method 2. How to help block porn on Twitter by configuring Twitter settings

Customizing Twitter settings can help block adult and other inappropriate content from appearing when one uses Twitter. Below is how to do the customization on the Twitter website. You can customize settings in the Twitter app in a very similar way.

Step 1. In the sidebar on the left side of any Twitter page, click More > Settings and privacy.

clicking More in the sidebar on a Twitter page bringing up the Settings and privacy option

Step 2. Choose Privacy and safety.

the Privacy and safety page showing Content you see, Mute and block, and  a few other settings

Step 3. Do the following two things.

  • Choose Content you see. Unselect the Display media that may contain sensitive content checkbox. Click Search settings and then select the Hide sensitive content checkbox and the Remove blocked and muted accounts checkbox. This helps prevent adult content from appearing in one’s search results.the Content you see page showing that the Display media that may contain sensitive content checkbox is not selected
  • Choose Mute and block. Click Muted words and then use the Add button to add porn related words. This helps block porn content from showing up in one’s Home timeline.the Muted words page



Use Method 1 and Method 2 together

It’s recommended to use the two methods together. Additionally, there’s a trick. After finishing configuring Twitter settings, you can block Twitter’s Settings page or Twitter’s Privacy and safety settings page. This way, only people who know the password can change the settings.

You can even block the Twitter signup page to prevent your child or yourself from creating a new Twitter account.

the access to Twitter's Privacy and safety settings page is blocked

Talk to your children about porn

It’s not an easy conversation to have with your child. But it’s highly recommended that parents teach and warn children about the dangers of porn.

Unfollow porn accounts

If one has followed accounts that frequently share adult content, one should unfollow these accounts to stop such content from appearing in one’s timeline in the first place.

Stop using Twitter

Stopping using Twitter can also be choice. You can block the Twitter website and app.



Porn is almost everywhere, including on social media platforms like Twitter in particular. To avoid Twitter porn, one can quit using Twitter. If one still wants to use Twitter, one can block porn on Twitter. The two methods talked about in this article can help prevent intentional or accidental access to adult and other inappropriate content on Twitter. I hope they are helpful.

Norah Hayes

Norah Hayes likes to share her tips on how to improve focus and stay motivated at work. She believes it is essential to eliminate all online distractions during work hours.

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Home > How to Block Porn on Twitter (now X): Steps and Tips