Top 8 WordPerfect Viewer for Mac and Windows (Free Included)

Bianca Huang
August 23, 2022 Preview 15.9K Preview 2
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WordPerfect (.wpd) file is a text document created by Corel WordPerfect. For users who want to view and open WPD files without mess, a professional WPD Viewer is needed. But there are very few WordPerfect readers out there. Don’t worry, this article offers a list of top 8 WordPerfect Viewer for Mac and Windows users respectively.

Best WordPerfect Viewer for Mac

#1. Cisdem Document Reader

One of the top WordPerfect viewers for Mac is Cisdem Document Reader. This particular app has many beneficial features to offer, it is the easiest and the most elegant way to view WPD, WPS, XPS, VISIO, PDF files on your Mac, and to print and save them into PDF for sharing. It has a number of practical features to make sure that you not only will get the best reading experience possible but also can save, share, or work on them.

wordperfect viewer for mac- cisdem

Enhanced Reading Experience

With a double click, you can easily open WPD, WPS, XPS, OXPS, VISIO, PDF files in batches on Mac, when reading your file, it levels up your reading experience with the fast rendering engine, so you can browsing large files without lags. Also, Cisdem Document Reader uses different page reading styles with toolbar consisting table of content, page thumbnail, searching pane, page navigation, zoom, rotate, save, etc. You can design this toolbar in the way you prefer.

Extended Features

  • View single or multiple WPS, XPS, OXPS, VISIO, DjVu, PDF, Winmail.dat on mac
  • Convert WordPerfect or other files to PDF or images, text, rtfd…
  • Extract image from files
  • Search and bookmark
  • Print files, or print files as PDF

Where to download the free trial:

Free Download

#2. AbiWord

AbiWord is an open-source word processing software that gives you the freedom to create and share files, as well as view files created in other software. No matter what type of word processor you're used to, you'll feel right at home with this visual software. But this WordPerfect viewer for Mac will be crashed several times, in this case, you should be sure to save your files when you’re using this app. Meanwhile, its interface not looks good.

wordperfect reader for mac 02- abiword

Where to free download:

#3. NeoOffice

NeoOffice for Mac offers a suite of productivity apps that design to rival the likes of Microsoft Office and Apple iWork. Using the OpenOffice foundation, this shareware covers nearly all the bases. You can freely open your WPD files from it, but sometimes slow, this could be a problem in personal settings. Another problem is that payment is only via PayPal. Basically NeoOffice forces you to open a PayPal account.

wpd viewer for mac 03- neooffice

Where to download the free trial:

#4. Apache OpenOffice

Apache OpenOffice is both an open-source product and a project. The product is a multiplatform office productivity suite. It also supports view WPD files on Mac. Unfortunately, Apache OpenOffice is unstable and poor tested, existing some messages and glitches, works poorly with other document formats.

.wpd viewer for mac 04- apache openoffice

Where to free download:

#5. WordPerfect Document Viewer

WordPerfect Document Viewer, as the name suggests, is a decent WordPerfect reader that empowers you to open WPD files. Drag-and-drop files into it, or open them directly. This WPD viewer for Mac can also convert WPD to PDF, TXT, and RTF. It’s not a WordPerfect document editor, but you can export WPD to an editable format for further editing.

word perfect viewer for mac 05

Where to download the free trial:

#6. WPD Wizard

WPD Wizard is another simple WPD viewer that can open WordPerfect files on Mac. It preserves most formatting, such as pagination, text styling, lists. WPD Wizard includes a page browser as well, which has the ability to export to a variety of formats. And a "Find" button allows you to find that perfect clause you wanted to copy out of a huge document. I have tried to use it before, but some functions and purposes still require performance improvement.

wordperfect viewer for mac 06- wpd wizard

Where to download the free trial:

Best WordPerfect Viewer for Windows

#1. Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word 2010/2013/2016)

As a powerful word processor, Microsoft Word is also able to open WPD files. If you have installed Microsoft Word on your Windows PC, you can directly view WPD files in Microsoft Office.

  1. Run Microsoft Word on your PC, click File>Open, then click Browse to get the Open dialog.
  2. In the Open dialog box, choose WordPerfect 5.x/6.x
  3. Click the file, then open the WPD file in Word.

#2. Corel WordPerfect Lightning

WordPerfect Lightning is a free WordPerfect Viewer provided by Corel. You just need to download the .exe file and double click to install on your PC. It is easy to use, just follow the wizard to open and view WPD files on your Windows PC. Even, you can use this program to take notes, share your work with others, etc.

wordperfect viewer for windows

Where to free download:


All in all, it's significant to find a great WordPerfect viewer to save time and effort. A good WordPerfect reader does help you open WPD files rapidly and edict them as your request. From different kinds of WPD viewers I have listed above, Cisdem Document Reader should be the most effective solution for you to view your WPD files. It's packed with many practical features, which make it work better than other similar software.

Bianca Huang

Bianca is a senior tech editor and strategist at Cisdem with Over 10 years of experience on PDF related solutions which covers all document editing, annotating, converting and managing etc.

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Comments (2) Leave a Reply
  • Hollis

    helpful information, i need these wordperfect viewers to open my wpd files.thanks a lot.

    8 years ago commonReply
    • soto77

      Thanks for your sharing, it is just what I need. I will try the first one later, since it looks great.

      8 years ago commonReply

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      Home > Top 8 WordPerfect Viewer for Mac and Windows (Free Included)